There are several functions you can activate by clicking surfsight dashcam button according to the list below:

  1. One short press - Create a "button pressed" event, the button "pressed event" stores 10 seconds of video, 5 seconds before the button was pressed and 5 seconds after.
  2. Two presses in a row - Deactivating WiFi scanning mode (disabling the activation scanning mode - please see item number three).
  3. Three presses - Activating WiFi scanning mode - for further information please go to - Connect dashcam to modem or to mobile phone (using WiFi instead of mobile SIM).
  4. Four presses - Switch WiFi hot-spot ON and OFF (for further information please go to the link above in the previous line).
  5. Five presses - Provides voice announcement information - for further information please go to the link - Status information (voice announcement).
  6. Six presses - Performs calibration to the dashcam's accelerometer, for further information please go to - Calibrate the dashcam's accelerometer.

  7. One long press for 3 seconds period - performs soft RESET.