1. Login to your account.
  2. Click the Cameras icon on the left bar.
  3. Click on Edit dashcam (three dots icon) located to the right of the dashcam. 
  4. If there is a new update version, an UPDATE button will appear on the bottom right corner of the dialog box (see below picture).
  5. Click the UPDATE button and a notification will appear on the page that the upgrade process has begun.
  6. The upgrade process continues running in the background seamlessly.

! Notes:

- If the dashcam is offline, the upgrade will take place automatically as soon as the dashcam will go back online.

- The upgrade process takes several minutes; depending on the available cellular bandwidth and the Software changes.

- During upgrade process the dashcam will halt its normal operation (i.e. - not record local videos nor events and it will be offline).

- Following the upgrade, the dashcam will automatically become online.